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发布时间:2018-09-11    阅读次数: 2265
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陶晗,博士,副教授,硕导。分别于2012年、2017年获河南工业大学工学学士学位江南大学工学博士学位,博士期间受国家留学基金委资助前往美国普渡大学Whistler碳水化合物研究中心联合培养目前主要从事谷物食品组分性质与营养分析方面的研究和应用工作。主持国家自然基金青年项目和国家博士后面上基金3项,以第一/通讯作者在Food HydrocolloidsFood Chemistry等本领域主流杂志上发表高水平论文14余篇ESI高被引论文3篇;是Food HydrocolloidsFood ChemistryCarbohydrate Polymers等多个SCI期刊审稿人。分别于2019年和2020年被评为本科毕业设计优秀指导老师和优秀班主任。


1. 面米及食品加工贮藏过程中组分变化与调控

2. 淀粉的结构、功能和消化性及功能性淀粉的开发和应用;

3. 功能性食品开发与应用;

4. 益生菌-益生元调控慢性病机制研究。




1. 集团公司学术新人提升B计划,20万,主持,在研;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31901727),24万,主持,在研

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目2019m652171),8万,主持,在研


1. Han Tao, Fan Lu, Xue-Feng Zhu,.Gao-Xin Xu, He-Qiang Xie, Xue-Ming Xu, Hui-Li Wang*. Removing surface proteins promote the retrogradation of wheat starch [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 113, 106437.

2. Han Tao*, Xue-Feng Zhu, Bing-Xu Nan, Rong-Zhen Jiang, Hui-Li Wang*. Effect of extruded starches on the structure, farinograph characteristics and baking behavior of wheat dough [J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 348, 129017.

3. Han Tao, Mingyang Li, Hao-Dong Deng, Ke-Xin Ren, Gang-Qiang Zhuang, Xue-Ming Xu, Hui-Li Wang*. The impact of sodium carbonate on physico-chemical properties and cooking qualities of starches isolated from alkaline yellow noodles [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 137: 697-702.

4. Xiang Yan, Zheng-Zong Wu, Ming-Yang Li, Fei Yin, Ke-Xin Ren, Han Tao*. The combined effects of extrusion and heat-moisture treatment on the physicochemical properties and digestibility of corn starch [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 134: 1108-1112.

5. Han Tao, Ji-Sheng Huang, Qiu-Tao Xie, Yong-Ming Zou, Hui-Li Wang*, Xue-Ying Wu, Xue-Ming Xu*. Effect of multiple freezing-thawing cycles on structural and functional properties of starch granules isolated from soft and hard wheat [J]. Food Chemistry, 2018, 265: 18-22.

6. Han Tao, Yingda Xiao, Fengfeng Wu, Xueming Xu*. Optimization of additives and their combination to improve the quality of refrigerated dough [J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2018, 89: 482-488.

7. Han Tao, Dan-Lei Ye, Yu-Lan Wu, Miao-Miao Han, Jin-Song Xue, Zhi-Hua Liu, Xiang-Tao Chen*, Hui-Li Wang*. The protective effect of polysaccharide extracted from Portulaca oleracea L. against Pb-induced learning and memory impairments in rats [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 119, 617-623.

8. Bao Zhang, Xiaomin Li, Qiutao Xie, Han Tao*, Wu Wang, Han-Qing Chen*. Preparation and characterization of non-crystalline granular starch and corresponding carboxymethyl starch [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 103, 656-662.

9. Han Tao, Pei Wang, Barkat Ali, Fengfeng Wu*, Zhengyu Jin, Xueming Xu*. Fractionation and reconstitution experiments provide insight into the role of wheat starch in frozen dough [J]. Food Chemistry, 2016, 190: 588-593.

10. Han Tao, Pei Wang, Bao Zhang, Fengfeng Wu*, Zhengyu Jin, Xueming Xu*. A comparative study of sodium dodecyl sulfate and freezing/thawing treatment on wheat starch: The role of water absorption [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 143: 149-154.

11. Han Tao, Pei Wang, Fengfeng Wu*, Zhengyu Jin, Xueming Xu*. Particle Size Distribution of Wheat Starch Granules in Relation to Baking properties of Frozen Dough [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 137: 147-153.

12. Han Tao, Bao Zhang, Fengfeng Wu*, Zhengyu Jin, Xueming Xu*. Effect of multiple freezing/thawing-modified wheat starch on dough properties and bread quality using a reconstitution system [J]. Journal of Cereal Science, 2016, 69: 132-137.

13. Han Tao, Pei Wang, Fengfeng Wu*, Zhengyu Jin, Xueming Xu*. Effect of freezing rate on rheological, thermal and structural properties of frozen wheat starch [J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(100): 97907-97911.

14. Han Tao, Pei Wang, Barkat Ali, Fengfeng Wu, Zhengyu Jin, Xueming Xu*. Structural and functional properties of wheat starch affected by multiple freezing/thawing cycles [J]. StarchStärke, 2015, 67(7-8): 683-691.

 1. 2017年指导国家级大学生创新项目,结题;

2. 2018年指导“养乐多”全国高校食品创意大赛,获得三等奖;

3. 2018指导安徽省大学生食品设计创新大赛,获得等奖

4. 2020年指导第二届“三只松鼠杯”休闲食品创新大赛,获得入围奖。

地址:安徽省合肥市经济技术开发区大学城翡翠路420号  邮编:230601  电话:0551-62901285  邮箱:spxy@hfut.edu.cn